Free Biweekly Online Events - EFT* Healing Circles


Unlock Your True Self and Potential: Join Our Transformative EFT Healing Circle this September!

Are you ready to let go of inner conflict and align your reality with your heart’s deepest desires? Imagine a life where you are in harmony with your true self, where your dreams are not just dreams but your reality. This is not just a possibility; it’s within your reach.

We invite you to join our Online EFT Tapping Event, where you will be guided through a powerful journey of self-discovery and healing. EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) tapping is a revolutionary method that combines the wisdom of ancient Chinese acupressure with modern psychology, helping you release negative emotions and limiting beliefs that hold you back.

Why Attend?

  1. Release Inner Conflict: Learn how to identify and release the blocks that create inner turmoil and keep you stuck in patterns of self-sabotage.
  2. Align with Your True Self: Discover techniques to harmonize your life with your soul’s desires, creating a fulfilling and joyful existence.
  3. Empowerment: Gain the tools and confidence to take charge of your emotional well-being, leading to a more balanced and empowered life.
  4. Community Support: Connect with like-minded individuals who are also on a journey of self-improvement and healing, providing a supportive and nurturing environment.

What You Will Experience

  • Guided Tapping Sessions: Expert-led sessions that will walk you through the process of tapping on specific points to release negative emotions and stress.
  • Interactive Workshops: Hands-on activities designed to help you understand and implement EFT techniques in your daily life.
  • Personal Growth: Transformative exercises that will help you reconnect with your true self and align your actions with your deepest desires.

Your Transformation Awaits

Don’t let inner conflict and self-doubt hold you back any longer. This is your moment to step into a life of alignment, empowerment, and true happiness. Register now for our Online EFT Tapping Event and take the first step towards transforming your reality into one that truly reflects your heart and soul.

Register Today and unlock the door to your true potential. Your journey to a harmonious and fulfilled life begins here.

Ready to transform your life? Register here and join us for an unforgettable experience!




#innerconflict #alignment  #quintessentialenergyfocus #emotionalwellbeing #workwellness



Family expectation…

We all grew up with certain family expectations - what to study and what profession to enter, what religion or belief system to follow, what political affiliation to align with, or maybe a role model that we were supposed to emulate as in,

"Try to be more like....".

While some of these expectations may have provided structure and a jumping-off point to develop your own set of values and desires, have these familial expectations also constrained you? If so, how?

Maybe you wanted to be an artist but were expected to study business, so you did and the artist inside you is bursting to get out, isn’t it?

Join our EFT* Healing Circle and explore the issue of being constrained by family expectations and tapping on feelings of loyalty vs disloyalty, approval vs disapproval, and begin to heal the rift within ourselves created by choosing others' ideas for our lives, rather than our own.

Join us at our EFT* Healing Circle and take the first step to free yourself from these invisible chains.

📅 Wednesday, July 3, 2024, at 9 am PT (LA)/noon ET (NY)/5 pm GMT (London)/6 pm CET (Paris)/7 pm IDT  (Jesuralem)/9:30 pm IST (Delhi).

 ✔ Register now:

We will provide the Zoom link the day before the event. Join us live to reap the group (borrowing) benefits.

If you have a schedule conflict, register to receive the replay and script after the Tapping Circle ends.

Esti Allina-Turnauer and Tina BQ Tran are Certified Clinical EFT Practitioners.

𝗡𝗼𝘁𝗲: By registering for this event, you accept full responsibility for your well-being and agree to receive emails from us.

#familyexpectations #mindandbodyconnection #quintessentialenergyfocus #emotionalwellbeing #workwellness

*EFT = Emotional Freedom Techniques  


If our Tapping Circles help improve your well-being and you'd like to show your appreciation, feel free to buy us a coffee at this link